Measuring Guide
Internal Face Fix
Carefully measure the structural opening width (brick to brick) from the inside of the garage. Measure the opening width at the top, middle and bottom of the opening as this will check that the opening is plumb. If there are differences in the dimensions, providing there are no restrictions for the guides behind the opening, the largest structural opening width dimension should be used.
Now carefully measure the structural opening height (floor to underside of lintel). Measure the opening height in three places, at the left, middle and right side of the opening.
As the roller mechanism and guides will be fixed behind the opening (inside of the garage), please check that you have enough room to fit the guides behind the piers and mechanism behind the lintel.
With the internal face fix installation, the overall width and height of the door will be the opening width plus guides and opening height plus mechanism.
Reveal Fix
Carefully measure the structural opening width (brick to brick) in the same way as for the internal face fix above. Measure the opening width at the top, middle and bottom of the opening as this will check that the opening is plumb. If there are any differences in the dimensions, the smallest measurement must be used for this type of installation. As this measurement will include the guides, please note that 10mm must be taken off the structural opening width when ordering a door for the reveal fix. By taking off 10mm tolerance will mean that the door and guides will fit into your structural opening width.
Now carefully measure the structural opening height (floor to underside of lintel), measuring the opening height on the left, middle and right side of the opening. For the reveal fix, this measurement will include the roll mechanism.
It is possible to install a roller door as a reveal fix for the guides and face fix for the roll but will require the guides to be positioned in the reveal where the end plates can be fixed to the back of the lintel. For this type of installation, the back of the lintel cannot be in line with the back of the brick piers.
Half Reveal
Carefully measure the structural opening width (brick to brick) from the inside of the garage. Measure the opening width at the top, middle and bottom of the opening as this will check that the opening is plumb. If there are differences in the dimensions, providing there are no restrictions for the guides behind the opening, the largest structural opening width dimension should be used.
The overall width including guides for this type of installation will be the structural opening width plus one guide.
External Face Fix
Carefully measure the structural opening width (brick to brick) from the outside of the garage. Measure the opening width at the top, middle and bottom of the opening as this will check that the opening is plumb. If there are differences in the dimensions, providing there are no restrictions for the guides behind the opening, the largest structural opening width dimension should be used.
Now carefully measure the structural opening height (floor to underside of lintel). Measure the opening height in three places, at the left, middle and right side of the opening.
As the roller mechanism and guides will be fixed on the outside face of the brickwork, please check that you have enough room to fit the guides on the outside and the mechanism above the lintel.
With the external face fix installation, the overall width and height of the door will be the opening width plus guides and opening height plus mechanism.
For quoting and ordering purposes, please note that the dimensions are always (width x height). Also check for electrical boxes, pipes or anything else etc which could impede the preferred installation of the roller door.